Sold High End Widowmaker Noire, Zarya Alien, All skins for tokens, 6 full BP, 3700+ Level, 10 Gold guns

Discussion in 'Overwatch Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Sandra Kupkova, 10/18/23.

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  1. Sandra Kupkova

    Sandra Kupkova
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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices Banned Status: This user has been banned due to fraudaulent acts against others

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    My Location:
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    PRICE: $150

    If interested contact me in discord,
    My Discord# Below

    Level: 3700+ lvl
    Currency ow1: 90885
    Currency ow2: 1100
    OWL Tokens: 6000
    Competitive points: 2042
    Gold guns: 10 (Tanks:Orisa, Sigma, Winston, Ball, Zarya; DPS: Ashe, Echo; Supports: Baptiste, Brigitte, Moira)

    Uniq Skins: Moira - Wicked. Brigitte - Medic, Widowmaker - Noire, Zarya - Alien, Blizzcon 2016/17 Bastion, Winston;
    MVP skins: Doomfist - Thunder, Roadhog - Midas, Winston - Flying Ace, Echo - Good and Evil, Zenyatta - Zen-Nakji;
    Pacific-Atlantic 2018 Genji/Tracer, 2019 Lucio/Mercy, 2020 D.VA/Reinhardt;
    Legendary skins for OWL tokens: Bastion - Pirate Ship, Genji - Happi, Warcraft skins - Illidan Genji/ Tyrande Symmetra, Mei - MM-Mei, Reaper - Luchador, Sombra - Zhulong, Widowmaker - Ange De La Mort, Ana - Haroeris, Brigitte - Goat, Mercy - Royal Knight, Zenyatta - ClockWork;
    Legendary skins: Sigma - Maestro, Ashe - DeadLock, Bastion - Brick, Reaper - Dusk/Cursed Captain, Sombra - Demon Hunter, Widowmaker - Kerrigan, Mercy - Dr. Ziegler;

    BattlePass lvls: Max lvls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    BattlePass mythics: Genji, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Sigma, Tracer, Ana

    OWL Teams skins 2018: Florida Mayhem - Mei
    OWL Teams skins: New York - Ana;
    Seoul Dynasty - Orisa;
    Shanghai Dragons - Moira, Ball;
    Toronto Defiant - Sigma;

    Contenders: 21 (Doomfist, Orisa, Reinhardt, RoadHog, Winston, Zarya, Bastion, Echo, Genji, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Widowmaker, Ana, Baptiste, Lucio, Mercy, Zenyatta)

    Grey/White skins: 35 (D.VA, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Orisa, Reinhardt, RoadHog, Sigma, Winston, Ball, Zarya, Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Sojourn, Soldier-76, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, Ana, Baptiste, Kiriko, Lucio, Mercy, Moira, Zenyatta)

    9 wins: D.VA - Nano, Doomfist - Monk, Orisa - Ice Cream, Reinhardt - Bundesadler, Roadhog - Clown, Frosty, Pachimari, Sigma - Carbon Fiber, Winston - Ocean King/Ancient Bronze, Ball - Paper Cutting/Porcelain/8 ball, Zarya - Einherjar, Ashe - Prosperity/Mardi Gras, Bastion - Sand Castle, Cassidy - Xiake/Masked Man/Sandstorm, Echo - Ragdoll/Bird of Paradise, Genji - Skeleton, Hanzo - Nihon/Kyogisha, Junkerat - Inferno/Elf, Mei - Zhongguo/Bear, Pharah - Sunset, Reaper - Imperial guard, Soldier-76 - Ugly Sweater/Auspicious, Sombra - Fantasma, Symmetra - Mistletoe/Holi/Marammat, Torbjorn - Rustclad, Tracer - Union Jack/Wooltide/Comic Book, Widowmaker - Fleur De Lis, Ana - Gingerbread/Cybermedic/Bastet, Baptiste - Vampire/Terracotta medic/Combat Medic, Brigitte - Stone/Peppermint bark, Lucio - Corredor, Mercy - Snow Angle/Camouflage, Moira - Holly, Zenyatta - Subaquatic

    Free namechange: Available
    Email change: Available​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. filu

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    Devoted Status: This user is a devoted member who helps other members

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    Note: this is a common scammer, grabs content from other listings on other websites (each from individual users and sales) and then just pastes them here, often at a lower price and with an obvious change to the contact details
    It is not the 1st time this user has done this as he always comes back a couple weeks after being marked as high risk or banned.
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