Hello, Reposting my account since everything is outdated. Screen shots: ~95k iventory value + ~17k coins = ~112k total value All factions are maxed up. All structure parts from prestige lvls are unlocked. Co-drivers: Perseus, Stone-deaf, Hans, Jade all on lvl 15 but last milestone perk is not bought. All Master Jack perks are bought. Account is not linked to steam. 295 day of premium ( dated for 23.03.2020) Founder battle-pass bought and everything unlocked. Lists of items: Cabins : -quantum + weight limit + self-destruct damage + resistance to all damage -quantum + cabin tonnage + mass + self-destruction explosion radius -humpback + weight limit + self-destruct damage + resistance to all damage -steppe spider + weight limit + durability + self-destruction explosion radius -favorite -torrero -bastion hauler + weight limit + durability + self-destruct damage -echo heavy lifting + cabin tonnage + resistance to all damage + self-destruct damage -icebox + cabin tonnage + resistance to all damage + self-destruct damage -growl +weight limit + -mass + delay before self-destruction -trucker heavy lifting (+10% more cabin tonnage) -2x wyvern -howl -omnibox -mass + delay before self-destruction + cabin tonnage Weapons: -2x typhoon -2x pulsar -3x helios -1x kapkan -1x harvester -3x aspect -1x spark -3x spectre -4x rapture -2x retcher -3x cricket -1x tow -1x trigger -mass + reloading time + rotation speed -1x blockchain +projectile speed + reloading time + aim speed -1x assembler -mass + damage + +projectile speed -2x summator + durability + damage + spread -1x annihilator +active time + drone durability + resistance to all damage Hardware: -1x cheetah +mass + weight limit -1x colossus -1x hot red -1x apollo -2x expanded ammo +module efficiency + durability -3x RN seak radiator +radiator efficiency + ressistance to all damage -1x Doppler radar-detector +resistance to all damage + range of detection in cover -1x chameleon mk-2 durability + reloading time -1x aegis-prime -2x scope not for sale -9x rd-2 keen -chameleon durability + reloading time -oculus VI +invisiblity detection radius + resistance to all damage -1x ampere -1x pu-1 -1x hardcore carrier -1x razorback -1x ammo pack durability - explosion radius -1x ammo pack resistance to all damage -explosion radius -1x maxwell + range of detection in cover -mass -1x r-2 chill -1x verifier + durability + detection radius Movement: -8x ml 200 -2x bigfoot -8x bigfoot st -10x icarus VII +tonnage + resistance to all damage -6x shiv st -2x array st -2x array -4x studden wheels st -4xbigram -mass + tonnage