Sold High End Lvl-66 Shai 311AP. Double PEN Blackstar. Endgame Combat, Endgame Life-skills

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hexxymexxy, 7/27/23.

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  1. Hexxymexxy

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    My Location:
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    Make Offer
    ASKING PRICE : $375


    Exhibit 1:


    Note this is subject to change as I have a few boosts left in my inventory, and time keeps marching on.


    Shai's info

    Exhibit 2:


    Note the two infinity potions for health and mana, and the compass, all are treasure items.

    Note she holds a few containers of reroll coupons.


    Shai's Pearl Inventory

    Exhibit 3:


    Note she has 300+ loot scrolls on her.


    Warrior life-skiller

    Exhibit 4:


    Note here that the lightstone combo equipped here is the fishing combo.

    Note here that the Warrior also has a TET Blackstar Jordun in his inventory.

    Note here that inside the toolbag is the PEN lumbering axe.


    Warrior life-skiller's Pearl Inventory

    Exhibit 5:


    Note here that the warrior lifeskiller is the oldest character on the account so he has all the crazy and wonky stuff in his pearl inventory.

    Note he has 150+ loot scrolls on him.


    All lightstone combos besides the fishing one provided above

    Exhibit 6:


    Note here that all the combo effects are highlighted in red outlined boxes above. These are 5 in total, including the one equipped on the lifeskiller above.


    Here is my secondary combat character, the Guardian. Leveled to 63 and fully decked out she was made to be a suitable tag to my shai. At the moment she is not tagged and is stationed in Haso to kill bosses. She is equipped with one of the many extra combat gear sets that are just lying about. BTW, I have completed a handful of season characters who all have full PEN tuvala.

    Exhibit 7:


    Note she was made and fully decked with pearl purchases on weight and inventory, because I was serious about having a good combat alt.


    Fairy, rather self explanitory.

    Exhibit 8:


    Note here that I swiped hard to get her Mirac Cheer V.


    Farmer, easy setup right outside velia.

    Exhibit 9:


    Note he has fully unlocked storage and such purchased.

    Note he has a lightstone combo unique to his task.


    Pets, I got alot.

    Exhibit 10:


    Note this supports a full set of combat, full set of gathering, full set of fishing, full set of knowledge AND a full set of cooking. With room for variations.



    Exhibit 11:


    Note here this is only the large ones, the rest are in the inventory of the shai and lifeskiller. They are anywhere from 100-30. They are so numerous that I didnt include them.



    Exhibit 12:


    Note all maids actual in this screenshot, none on CD.

    Corrected 7/6/23


    Town Storage.

    Exhibit 13:


    Note here that Velia is my main town, plenty of cooking materials and such.

    Note here that Calpheon keeps alot of the overflow of gathering materials from gathering.

    Note here that all others have a purpose of some kind, and all have nearby nodes for cooking.

    Note that Velia, Olvia and Heidel all scroll pretty far, they contain the rest of the good items in their respective categories.


    Transfusion Crystals

    Exhibit 14:


    Note here that the new additions of Bong's and Mysterious 7/18/2023 7:45pm EST.

    Note here that the lifeskills crystals are all Gathering EXP.

    Note here that the two extra crystal slots are complete from the land of morning light.


    Ecology knowledge

    Exhibit 15:


    Note this is perma item drop rate from monster knowledge.


    Naphart Camp-site

    Exhibit 16:


    Note this is the purchase only special item from the pearl shop.


    Dream horses

    Exhibit 17:


    Note that I've been working on these horses to prepare them for T10 awakening.

    Note that this new horse levels updated on 7/18/2023 7:45pm EST.


    Central market exploits

    Exhibit 18a:


    Note these Elkarr are worth 52 billion silver. I plan on making a market move with these in the near future when prices come back up.

    Note central market balance is subject to change as I still play and grind.


    Central market exploits

    Exhibit 18b:

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  2. OP

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