Total Hero 68 T5 - 46 other 3* to T3 UW - Aisha 5* UW (1* ut 2, ut 3) Chase 4* UW(16%) (UT 1, 4* UT2,1 * UT3, UT4) Fluss 4* UW (UT 2 , UT 3) Lewisia 4* UW (UT2 , 1* UT3) Mirianne 4* UW (UT3) Mediana 3* UW (UT 1) Yanne 3* UW (UT3) Shea 3* UW (1* UT 3) Kara 3* UW (UT 3) Veronica 3* UW (UT2) Clause 2* UW (UT3) Nyx 2* UW Lilia 2* UW (UT 2) Frey 1* UW (UT 3) Lorraine 1* UW (UT3) Reina 1* UW Annette 1* UW Oddy 1* UW(1* UT 3) Aselica 1*(1* UT3) 0* UW Cleo , Gau, phillop , Maria, rephy, Demia, Morrah, Baudouin, Jane, Ricardo,Theo,Crow,Lavril, Neraxis, Sonia, Artemia, May, Loman,Juno, Scarlet 18x SOI, 1X Costume Ticket(up to 2019 Wedding March) 1X Costume Ticket(~wedding March) 4x Summon Ticketx10 38x loot booster 1x 7 day exp booster 6x 7day gold booster 30k Dust 94mil gold 91k Gold of dust of golden queen 3k ruby =================== Artifact 4* =================== Mask of Goblin =================== Artifact 3* =================== Roaring Tiger Statue Primer for the Heroes The Ancient Scope Mask of Dark Elf New Year's Fireworks Burning Brazier of Elf Drinking Horn of ancient cow Blessing of Earth Pocket watch of ancient Judgment of light Bracelet Sorcerous Black Dragger ==================== Artifact 2* ==================== Talismans of Resistance Soul Spring Water Mask of Orc Mask of Harpy Mask of Draconic Frost Giant mask Tarot Card of loss Solar Stone Vase of sacrifice Christmas Star Ornament Infernal Greatword Earth Core Insignia of iron Conviction Orbs of Contract Golden Mask of Ancient king Golden Apple of a goddess Golden Cat Status Tome of Black Magic ===================== Artifact 1* ==================== Cross Pumpkin Head Feather of scarifice Trident of the deep Abysssal Crown Fantastic Hybird Animals Dice of Magical Letters Madame's broze Mirrors Sealed Chain of ancient God Undead Mask Mask of Lizardman Soul Spring Water Mask of Goblin Ring of spirit Morph Book of the Mad Kiddy Chick Amethust Pendulum Fragment of an Ancient Kingdom ==================== Artifact 0* ===================== Goddess of Glory Fancy Traditional pendant Lion of Protection Magical Flute Ancient God king's Coin Cooling delicacy in the summer infernal bond Angry pumpkin head Happy Pumpkin Head Infernal Whip Primer for the Heroes New Year's Fanfare Sealed Chain of ancient God Earth protection Gardian Crystal of the deep Mask of Dark Elf Talismans of Resistance Well-done Turket Roast Crystal Music Box 280k Guild raid point Price can be Nego Pm for more info, discord: Prawn#7557
update Chase 4* UW(19%) (UT 1, 4* UT2,1 * UT3, UT4) Chase 0* uw 2x Costume Ticket(swimsuit and Swimsuit 2) UT Selector Able to dispatch Dark legion( 100%)