Great chance to get your hands on a fantastic account that has been built up over the years with a ton of time, money blood, sweat, tears but most of all fun getting it to its current state. Wouldnt take much to get it maxed or just have fun playing as it is. Not going to list all the good points here, contact me and i'll quite happily send you screenshots and answer any questions you may have. Im on Discord : Makaveli#2331 Secret Knowledge: First Stage is Compleated Seciond Stage: Offence 420 Defence 206 Health 347 Fortress 340 Town 0 Tier VIII 286 5no New Town skins with 3 on Level 6 and the other 2 on Level 5 4no New Hero skins Loads of RSS and Boosts Looking for $650 and once you see the screenshots its a fair price. Intrested ? Contact me on Discord Makaveli#2331