Selling  PS4   Europe High end gear, many skins, high end chars, many more

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Poison77, 11/28/20.

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  1. Poison77

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    My Location:
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    Selling my 5 year old eso account.
    * many dungeon skins, event skins and crown store skins
    * high end chars and lots of gold gear
    * thousands of costumes, mounts, peacefull pets, personal trader, gestures, hair, decorations and many more
    * many houses with millions of furniture and decoration (even houses you could only buy with rl money and many dmg dolls)
    * had a guild for 4 years, so you get a guild house with crafting tables and many more and the 500 slots guild bank.
    * crafting char who can build anything
    * 5 years worth of crafting mats
    * all chars like dragonknight, nightblade, mage, templar, warden, necromancer, pvp and pve
    *many more

    If you are interested or have any questions please E mail me :

    [email protected]

    The price is nego-tiable and serves only as placeholder
    #1 Poison77, 11/28/20
    Last edited: 11/28/20
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