Sold High End FFXIV Penta Legend Account ~ Dawntrail MSQ ~ All crafters and gatherers are level 100 ~

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cucumberlol, 1/6/25.

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  1. Cucumberlol

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    Hi, Would like to sell my account
    as i no longer playing this game

    ASKING PRICE : $200

    If youre interested, dont hesitate to add me in discord to discuss further



    Highlights of the Account:

    Dawntrail MSQ, along with 99% of all quests and side quests in the game

    All crafters and gatherers are level 100 Nearly all battle classes are maxed (2 at level 90); Blue Mage is at level 80

    Eureka: Level 60 | Bozjan: Level 25 | Island Sanctuary: Level 20

    Rare and Exclusive Stuff:

    Over 180 mounts, including ultra-rare ones like Pteranodon, gil mounts, and more

    More than 410 minions, with rare ones like Shalloweye, Golden Beaver, and others

    A variety of titles, including the very rare Accursed, Hoarder, Lady/Lord of Verminion, Ultimate Legend, and more

    All 6 collector's editions, including Dawntrail

    More stuff:

    Penta Legend: All ultimates completed with titles acquired

    Mentor crown with 3000+ commendations

    Chocobo Level 20 and squadron maxed with Captain rank for all Grand Companies

    Sightseeing logs completed up to Dawntrail

    All wings (including black fallen angel wings), fashion accessories, umbrellas, facewear glasses, and glamour dresser packed with items

    Many rare hairstyles, including some of the most sought-after ones and more.

    If you're looking for an account that’s packed with achievements, rare items, and everything a top-tier player needs, this is the one.


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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