Selling  High End  PC High end destiny 2 account

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Jordan Tyreek, 5/19/22.

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  1. Jordan Tyreek

    Jordan Tyreek
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    Hello I am selling my high end D2 account,vex with catalyst,1k voices,obscura unlocked all raid exotics acquired all new and old trial and old adepts acquired (godrolls) flawless, conquerer,deadeye and a few more seals unlocked triple 100 hunter build,double 100 titan and warlock build,gm adept godrolls acquired I weapons godrolls new and old I have alot of old gearsets that people would love(trials of the nine gear,and new trials gear and exile gear obtained aswell it's alot more on the account I can just show you to much to type I can go over in detail(controller on PC since I'm not good at mnk. Dm me if your interested and want more information. Timelost verdict acquired aswell.

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