Selling  High end avatar 318413skills

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Humble1, 2/18/24.

  1. Humble1

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    My Location:
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    Have a nice land plot dead which is just going up I'm value as people always to buy itz(right next to the to by miltencreste).
    The total of my combined storage value is 5000ped.
    I have a Sophie pet which is 1 outbof 300 with autoloot unlocked.
    I have mainly just hunted and love mining and have a Linder f-105 tier6.99
    Athenian ring improved
    Ares ring improved
    Hermtic ring augment
    Angelic ring modified
    Have the smugglers clothing
    Have a set of vice-roy with 5bs can tank pretty much most mid mobs without much fap
    Have full set perseus
    Have full set Hermes aroumr with 5 cdf telsius plates
    Have full set earth shock trooper Armour M with 6b for electric

    Please feel free to ask for more information

    Really can't afford to play this game and have had some really troubling bills come up. Reason for selling

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