Sold High End Account (Strong Player) Omegamon Server

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FredJss, 1/27/21.

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  1. FredJss

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    My Location:
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    Hi, I want to sell
    a high-end account and everything in it

    Taichi: Taichi
    Level: 99
    Server: Omegamon
    Tera: 1450+ T
    Items: a lot

    Digimon: 44 total

    Lvl Digimon size
    99 Kaisergreymon 123%
    99 Magnagarurumon 127%
    97 Gabumon 129%
    99 Agumon 125%
    81 Gazimon [Millenniumon] 125%
    75 Agumon (Black) [Millen] 125%
    99 Agumon (black) 125%
    99 Gabumon (black) 125%
    99 Ryudamon 125%
    99 Dorumon [Raptordramon] 129%
    70 V-mon [ImperialDramon] 85%
    70 Wormmon [ImperialDramon] 125%
    87 Hawkmon [Silphymon] 125%
    87 Salamon [Silphymon] 128%
    99 Impmon 125%
    64 Lucemon 120%
    82 Kokuwamon 125%

    Interested? Write me a private message through the discord to get screenshots and more details Fjss29 # 2392
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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