Sold High End Account, 9x6 SSR (lee yumi), 100+ Summon Ticket and 16k Quartz, cheap

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vaioz, 6/6/21.

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  1. Vaioz

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    As describe
    want to sell tremendeus account
    Summary :
    -9 x 6 stars SSR HERO : LEE YUMI (newest GOD TIER Defender) Titan, Xiao lin, Gaeun, Kyle, Shinjia, Yang Harim, Chinatsu , Strong Hold etc
    - many 5 stars SSR Hero
    - Also Build good SR Hero
    -Got 100 + summon tiket (for next banner)
    -16.5k Quartz
    -Super for PVP and PVE
    -100% SSR Ship Progress
    - monthly admin count (15usd) purchased

    Very good equipment, very...

    High End Account, 9x6⭐SSR (lee yumi), 100+ Summon Ticket and 16k Quartz, cheap
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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