Sold HIGH END ACCOUNT | 2100 CP+ | 300+ MOUNTS | 300+ PETS | MORE

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EuniceMushkeji, 10/17/22.

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  1. EuniceMushkeji

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    ASKING PRICE : $270

    If interested
    Looking for a serious buyer
    add me in discord to discuss

    2100 cp+ account

    Account has one of the most rare mounts, pets, outfit/motif styles, costumes, houses in the game.

    all dlc and chapters (COLLECTOR EDDITONS!) are acquired,
    One house is fully geared with all crafting sets stations, each type of dummy including - 21mil health! And more like mundus stones, vampiric altar, assistants
    18 characters are fully lvled and geared
    all chars are prepared for writs, crafting and hireling - passive economy of gaining gold
    1 character has completed entire story in the game
    Account has each class of magicka, stamina and healer/tank build
    banks are max upgraded, each char has 60/60/60 mount training
    every char knew 8/9 trait of each crafting except jewelery which is 9/9
    over 300+ mounts
    over 300+ pets
    Almost every costume in the game
    90% of houses including crown store houses
    28 radiant mounts
    most of crown crates seasons are fully collected
    48k+ achivements
    Almost every trifecta title are completed
    tons of titles
    7k+ collected items
    most of styles and season styles are collected
    many crown gems exclusive items
    many gold items including # items





















    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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