Selling  North America  60+  High End Character(s) HIGH END 729GS LVL65 DOUBLE PEN BS FULL C20 FULL PEN INF HPMP

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DesignerDIS, 11/6/22.

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  1. DesignerDIS

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    My Location:
    Add me on discord for questions: Designer#4676

    This account is a high end build and have a lot of hidden value inside for a cheap price. I bought a lot of outfits and furniture because I do love the account deeply
    Has a set of weapon exchange coupon plus COMBAT XP EXCHANGE COUPON (62 days from June 7th) so u can swap to whatever class u want right after purchase
    A year of value pack and 100 days+ Kama tree and old moon book buff

    Some Highlight of the account:
    729GS, full pen armor+accessory (4 pen tungard piece)
    Double pen bs with c20 nov and pen kutum
    c20 gloves and shoes
    tri fg armor and duo fg helmet
    Lvl 65 with a bunch of lvl64 and 63, many full weights character
    Inf Hp+MP
    perfect fairy
    Has bunch of La Orzerca outfit on lahn and guardian, plus leafs
    Many t4 pets include arctic fox and hedgehog (also three black dragon which r rare)
    554 energy and 405 cp
    4 t9 dream horse (2 t9 pegasus, 1 t9 dine and 1 t9 doom) +forest path wagon with gear
    all adventure journal done
    highest fs 283 and two 200+ fs
    60 maids

    Screenshots -
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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