Sold High achievements & collector account | 21k points | 190 mounts | 476 minions | max lvl jobs

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sayzee, 3/6/25.

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  1. Sayzee

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    My Location:
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    asking price my account for $150

    do not hesitate to contact me.



    Full infos:

    21.110 Achievement points

    Mentor crown - 1729 Recommendations

    15/21 Battle Jobs LvL 100 || 11/11 Crafter/Gatherer LvL 100 (pentamelded crafted gear)

    Bluemage LvL 80 (All Spells, All Log entries, Rare Raid Achievements completed)

    190 Mounts / 476 Minions / 426 Triple Triad Cards / 604 Orchestrion Scrolls / 119 Emotes / 163 Frame Kits / 30 Hairstyles / 34 Fashion Accessoiries / 18 Facewears

    All Fate Zones completed

    All Bozja Field records completed

    Battle Chocbo LvL 20 with 91 different Bardings

    Racing Chocobo LvL 50 (Max Stars | 5 stars every attribute)

    Island Sanctuary LvL 20 maxed out

    ALOT! of Glam (with sets included over 900 different pieces of Glam)

    Other info:

    ~2 Million Gil

    3x Fantasia available to change your Character

    1683/1721 total different Fish collected!

    50x Relics completed in total (Battle/Crafter/Gatherer)

    All Tribes max LvL

    Entire MSQ + every single side quest completed

    All leve quests completed and checkmarked

    Potd max 99/99 | HoH max 99/99 | EO max 99/99

    Eureka LvL 60 | full +2 augmented gear for Tanks

    Bozja/Zadnor LvL 25 | full augmented haste gear for Tanks

    2x Retainers lvl 100

    3x Grandcompany PvP LvL 50
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