Pending Hi you marked one of order Completed: Sent To MM Wallet but i didn t receive it after 1 month

Discussion in 'Help - Ask Support Questions' started by Zeus, 5/28/19.

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  1. Zeus

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    Premium Pro Status: This user is a Premium Pro Seller Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification ImLegit Status: This user has shown that they're a legitimate merchant Leader Status: This member has demonstrated leadership skills Secure Status: This user has shown he is a secure merchant Trusted Status: This user is a trusted member Platinum Status: This user has successfully completed 125+ middleman transactions

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    hi you marked one of order "Completed: Sent To MM Wallet" but i didn`t receive MM Wallet Deposit !

    922153154 5/3/19 Completed: Sent To MM Wallet

    but i didnt received my money as you started 3ways coversation and i completely delivered account to buyer so please send my money t
    i sold it for 699$
    Seller - Confirms Delivery Buyer - Confirms Delivery Middleman Order - Transaction ID: 922153154 - 3 Way Conversation

    link :

    please send my money to my wallet , you started 3ways conversation so i delivered fully account to buyer but after a month you marked it as pending! please reply me and send my money to my wallet and it wasn`t my wrong if customer was fraud because you started 3ways conversation and so i delivered account and now i lost my 699$ account! please send my money
  2. Middleman

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    Moderator Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman support tickets Middleman Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman transactions

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    Please note PlayerUp is currently having delays due to Memorial Day Weekend.

    We received your middleman support ticket. Please note we are EXTREMELY backed up on replies right now. This is now a PENDING ticket and an agent will respond to and resolve this issue shortly. Please accept our apologies for the lack of communication/delays on our replies here.

    Meanwhile if this issue has already been RESOLVED, we would kindly ask if you could update this ticket stating it has been so we can process these backed up tickets quickly.

    Thank you!
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