Selling Hi, I got the following monsters for trade....

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hinde Cheung, 10/17/12.

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  1. Hinde Cheung

    Hinde Cheung
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    Hi, I got the following monsters for trade. Mainly looking for EP, or Psycho AA/A+/A monsters. But open to any offer. If you have any interest to the list below, message me for what you are interested in, and what you are going to offer, thanks. Impulse (Red) Cruel Black Wings + Blood Blob + Child of Pit + Blood Blob x3 Forsaken Birth Fiend Scorn Black Wings Blazing Dragonoid Flame Tarasque Dragon of Mars Beelzebub x2 Dark Elf Berserker Raging Vritra Covert (Green) Druantia the Eternal - AA Hell Hammer Spider + Uncouth Child + Sky Dragon + Hell Hammer Spider x2 Naga Dragon of Jupiter Hell Mantis x2 Jasmine HeungScrap Meat Zombiede Rhinoceros Beetle Naga General Great Horned Warrior Elite Dragonborn Witch of Snakes Psycho (Purple) Hallucination Cast - AA Evilmoth + Slaughter Bee Queen + x2 White Winged Elite x2 Slaughter Bee Queen Child of Purification Toukotsu catoblepas Scaled Chimera
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  2. OP
    Dave Dowdy

    Dave Dowdy
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    I'm interested in your Forsaken Birth Fiend. My Player ID is : 1878848154. I have alot of A/A+'s to trade for it and skill cards. Hmu if your interested.
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