Hey Guys I need your suggesstion

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    I am planning to make tutorial for how to find pointers since I dont see any post here anyways my question is, "Is it good thing to release the tutorial for pointers" you comments really heps If I should or I shouldn't.

    Do you WANT to?

    Just give them a link to Cheat Engine Forum, or Tutorial.exe.

    seriously just read the cheat engine tutorial IT COMES WITH THE CHEAT ENGINE.EXE why is it so hard to do it? or go their site.

    If you make one all you would be doing is making a thread where all the lurkers will come and ask you what the heck is step 5, omg I don't understand after this you do what? etc, it will just massive spam for no reason.

    I doubt you can do any better than tutorial.exe.

    If they can't understand that, then they don't deserve to learn.

    hmm by reading your comments I thought that I should post the youtube video and cheat engine tutorial If they can understand that and need any help with it I would be happy to help them but if they dont know what they are doing then they dont deserve my help.
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