Hey folks, hope you don't mind helping newbies out in here, as Google/OAC-head isn't helping. I'm levelling by healing for group dungeons, however, I seem to see my fellow monks running around with these two staffs, I want it real bad. Anyone know where I can get hooked up with one of these? Cheers for anything you can tell me http://graph.Facebook..com/295839993959741/picture
I'm level 34 at the moment, you guys know any alternatives out there? Game seems pretty short of descent quest rewards for someone who prefers to heal than grind
I came across that page when trying to find info on these staffs, Saintly Dispenser looks to be just the ticket, but, I can't seem to get any info on where you can get it, random drop, quest, dungeon for example. Thanks for looking into this for me guys
I'm probably the worst newbie right now, I don't know a lot of stuff yet so bare with me, but I have a question about your comment, you wrote that you level up by teaming up in dungeons, do you get exp when others on your team kill the mobs for you?
Or collect daily diplomas in Silence and get the unicorn staff. The stats are much better iirc and just takes about a week of daily visits to get the first level staff.
Gabriela Zelaya there are sellers in the same area where you do the diploma quest and attack the dummys. It's on that little island next to the Silence portal.