Selling Hey BOYZ&GIRLZZZ , I'm helping to a friend , to...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Overlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lehel Szecsi, 5/4/15.

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  1. Lehel Szecsi

    Lehel Szecsi
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    Hey BOYZ&GIRLZZZ , I'm helping to a friend , to make his bussiness more popular.So , he's selling UNRANKED EUW ACCOUNTS for 10 euro , so , for more info or for contact , check this out , cuz there's everything what u should know.Ty guys! Accountdetails: Server EU-West Neutral Summonorname Unranked League of Legends Account (Level 30) First-Owner-Guarantee 29.000 - 35.000 Influence Points 2-3 Runepages Unferified Email-Adress Levelt with german IP-Adress never reported Accounts are available and in stock Delivery: Delivery in a few minutes You will receive the username and password Unverified E-Mail address, type in and verify your own Contact: Contact us via #Facebook. , by sending me a private message or adding me.Only possibile buyers please.
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