Selling Hey all who knows me, I have a few words to say to...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Monja Kistner, 5/6/13.

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  1. Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    Hey all who knows me, I have a few words to say to all from my Server "Observers Market". At first i want to say, that i really enjoyed oac and the community there. But something is going wrong on our server.. I dont mean the hackers who bugs the harpies for server sync only. I mean all of you who uses the bug to make lots of gold and ruins the server structure. We have lots of millionaires on the server. And tzhe auction prices are exploding... And it hurts only the players who plays fair without glitch using. And now i heared gameloft want to make a server reset at 10.5.2013. I heared also that we will lost all our characters. I spend lots of time in my toon. And then it is wasted time.. Im really sad. I think i will quit playing oac if that happens. To all who knows me and to all friends and the guilds "Musketiere", Ultimus-Sanktus", "Elite of Germany" and my own guild "Halcyon" : i will miss u all. Thanks for the great time that i had with you all. I hope all will get fine and we see us ingame. Sincerely yours, Monja Hassistin Guild: Halcyon Observers Market
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    Donald Terry Boy Terreni

    Donald Terry Boy Terreni
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    LOOOOL i think they will never reset all characters ;-)
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    Sven Lalla

    Sven Lalla
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    That's only a rumour! I've doesn't read something like that from official side. They've only said they're investigating that issues. Also mach dich nicht verrückt ;)
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    Sandra Reif

    Sandra Reif
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    monja nicht aufhoeren bitte.... und wie unti schon schrieb, lass dich net von geruechten verrueckt machen.... monja will doch wieder in inis auf dich warten duerfen... also ruhe bewahren bitte...
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    Ronny Möhler

    Ronny Möhler
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    Just wait Monja. Until now, there are only rumors. If it is really so, then are all affected, and are all in this boat. Should really be the case but, dan, I'll probably stop. I play now on since the beginning. Know almost every player at least by name, and it has not given me great fun. But all my chars I will not level up.
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    Clemens Wittmann

    Clemens Wittmann
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    Oder Wechsel halt einfach den server
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    Well, thanks for the motivation that u spend me :)
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    I tried to log in right now and we have server maint atm. I hope they fix the server now :/ thank u all for the messages and the lovely try to keep me :-*
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    Ronny Möhler

    Ronny Möhler
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    Bleib einfach bei uns ....
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    Sven Lalla

    Sven Lalla
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    No, nothing get fixed today. Tuesday is always server maintenence. That's only what it is: maintenance ;) Patchday always on Thursday. So we have to wait until Thursday for a fix.
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    Oh :( gave gameloft a official statement to our situation yet?
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    Sven Lalla

    Sven Lalla
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    Jap: Hi, We are aware of the server issues encountered by some of the players. Be sure we're already working on it. We will keep you informed as soon as a fix is available, meanwhile we apologize for the inconvenience! Thank you! Gameloft Forums •
    #12 Sven Lalla, 5/7/13
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/15/16
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    Thx :)
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    Mehmett Şahin Oac

    Mehmett Şahin Oac
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    If they reset servers nobody dont play again. I can see more People want kill cosmo for essence :)
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    Andrea Armeli Gricio

    Andrea Armeli Gricio
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    by non-stop is a shame you'll see that everything settle and then with the prox update you start over and we are all on the same level
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    does anyone knows something new about our server?
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    cant log in atm.. -.-
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    hmm :/
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    Christian Kallinger

    Christian Kallinger
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    is klar...zuerst mein mage gehackt dann mein warr weg und meinen anderen warr kann ich wegen den syncs nicht lvln... aber alle anderen sch**ss*n drauf -.-
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    Monja Kistner

    Monja Kistner
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    bist du -MAGE-?
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