Due to various circumstances I will be selling either a Grand King or ProPlayer account code (keeping one for myself) for Hex TCG depending how much I can get. PM me with offers please. Thank you. .; pmed you PMd you. bump Just to clarify , I have both the codes for the tier and lifetime drafts for both tiers, not tied to any accounts. Do you also have the (3) 30 pack codes (90 packs in total) for the Grand King? Yes I do. 120$ king 250$ pro player add me skipe angelscream Ok guys I'm having difficulty keeping up with messages I. Here since I have a 10 message limit. Please contact me on my skype live:superstroke. Thanks. Will PM on Skype! 3 superstroke on skype with that name 450 dollars for por tier, skype-manofmystory I am interested in the Grandking package and will contact you. Is this still available? Pmed you on skype but no reply