Hex Editting

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Kay, so I've managed to make the Rumble Fighter client download from gemfighter, and the RFlauncher thing goes by perfectly - it doesn't tell me that it "can't receive file index from server" and it doesn't patch to meet RF's current files - everything is just as it should be for me to pull a RFMascot. However, after it passes the RFlauncher.exe and goes on to rumblefighter.exe, I get the same error everytime: "please execute RumbleLauncher.exe"

    Can't really figure out why the actual game doesn't want to start up - while hexediting I did find two websites in the rumblefighter.exe file that were as follows:



    However, these do not load for me and so I have no way of figuring out what they're there for. I then tried to mirror it (like I've done with many of the RF files) by doing:



    But, for whatever reason, this is like the only URL that gemfighter doesn't have. So, if anybody has any idea why the actual client doesn't want to start up, I'd appreciate the help. ^.^

    When ever I get the "Please Execute Rumble Fighter" that means I have to re-download RF o-O hope this helped

    Not at all.

    Try to start the task manager ..

    go to


    -look for the rumble fighter.exe

    -then end it

    thats what i do when something shows up like that

    Okay, I found out I screwed with part of the file when I was hex editting. Doesn't look like it wants to accept my changes I made to the client, however. When I try to log in, it acts like everything is successful, but the client never starts up.

    So close.

    Maybe you mess up with one of the files again?

    Ninja, I need to know your MSN again you fool. :X
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