Selling Heroes of the Storm Booosting !!

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zero0032, 4/14/17.

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  1. zero0032

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    Hey, I'm a Grand Master player on the EU server offering boosting services for Hero League. Whether you're just looking to get out of MMR hell or just want the season rewards for HL achievements, I'm your man. My boosting is extremely fast and extremely efficient and FAR cheaper than all of the boosting websites available.

    Contact me on Skype spawn14411

    Payments will be via Paypal

    Prices can be adjusted based on how many points you currently have in your division. My prices are assuming somewhere around 100-300 points. The more points you have, the lower the price can be adjusted.

    Bronze league: 7€ Per Division
    Silver league: 8€ Per Division
    Gold league: 10€ Per Division
    Platinum league: 15€ Per Division
    Diamond league: 25€ Per Division
    Diamond 1 to Master: 50€
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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