Selling  Facebook  High End Hero Wars FB Account, lvl 130, 1M Heroes, 500k Earth Titans+3 totems, VIP9

Discussion in 'Hero Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by frerix, 2/13/21.

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  1. frerix

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    My Location:
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    FB account with VIP 9
    1M+ overall hero power
    Keira heroes team 500k - 550k depends of the line up (incl. Andvari, Astaroth, Nebula, Martha, Celeste, Jorgen, Sebastian, Helios, Jet, Jhu, Thea evolved + more)
    All winter skins, All Keira's skins, all Celeste's skins, 2 Astaroth's skins, Nebula's skin
    5 pets at purple rank, 4 stars and half way to 5 stars
    Earth titans team (3 supers + 2 Earth) 120 lvl all, 3 star Earth totem
    460k main titans' team power, 570k overall titans' team power
    A lot of runes, exp potions, skin chests, ss chests, pet ss chest, pet gems in the inventory
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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