Sold Hero rank 10 zrank10 acct for sale

Discussion in 'Guild Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by skyracer, 7/2/17.

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  1. skyracer

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    Zaishen rank 10 bronze sword,axe,hammer,spear
    Hero rank 10 tiger rank

    The account has everything to get gwamm in the storage all you need is to grind out the titles and buy 10 weps for hom there is plenty of money to get them. it is linked to a never played gw2 account so you can just log in with the information.

    Please understand I do not have the cd key as this account was given to me by someone A LOOONNGG time ago. I however can give you the email and of course you can change passwords on both email and on the anet login for the game.

    It has 50 diessa chalice for getting blindfold, the mats for chaos gloves, and the mats for obby in the storage as well as 670 ecto and 664,000 gold.

    offer price real money

    thanks for your time

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