Wanna sell Hero of the North account with 8 chars (4 lvl 60 and 4 twinks (lvl 32-37)) 1. GWF lvl 60 19k GS Boons: Sharandar – 5/5, Icewind – 5/5, Dread Ring – 5/5, TOD – 4/5. Sets: all T2, Fabled Ilyanbruen, Sentinel’s Grim Weapons: Fomorian Fabled (transmutted to Greatsword of Kings) Enchantments: Perfect Vorpal, Soulforged, Radiant r8 (7) and Azure r8 (2), dark r7 in utility (3) Artefacts: Sigil of devoted, Lantern of Revelation. Sigil of Great Weapon (all Legendary) Ioun stone of Allure (2 less. Bonding and eldritch r7, radiants r7 in items + 1 lesser bonding in bank) 5 bags Mounts: Heavy Giant Spider, Heavy Worg, Blue Ribbon Pig, Armored Boar Also: Feywild fashion. Tymora’s Lucky coin. Shared bank slots, Greater Bag of holding, 1 million AD, 150 gold Professions: Weaponsmiting lvl 20, Leadership lvl 19, many assets. Many titles: Bloodthirsty, Dungeon master. Besieger, etc. 2. DC 16,2k GS (in High Prophet) Boons: Sharandar – 5/5, Icewind – 5/5, Dread Ring – 5/5, TOD – 3/5. High Prophet Set (transmutted) Weapons: Ancient Royal Priest Enchantments: Greater Plaguefire, Lesser Soulforged, Radiant r8 (5), Azure r8 (3), Black Ice r8(1) Artefacts: Sigil of devoted, Waters of Elahzad, Sigil of the Hunter (all Epic) Ioun stone of Allure (3 lesser bonding runestones) Mounts: Giant Beetle, Heavy Giant Spider, Heavy Worg, Blue Ribbon Pig War Dog Companion (from first time buyer pack) 5 bags 3. GF 16,3 GS (in Knight Captain) – 47k hp Boons: Sharandar – 5/5, Icewind – 5/5, Dread Ring – 5/5, TOD – 3/5. Sets: Knight Captain, Timeless Hero, Grand regent Weapons: Ancient Grand Knight’s Enchantments: Terror, Lesser Soulforged, darks and radiants r5-r7 Artefacts: Sigil of Great Weapon, Waters of Elahzad, Sigil of the Hunter (all Epic) Ioun stone of Allure (2 eldritch r7 + Empowered r7) Mounts: Heavy Giant Spider, Heavy Worg, Armored Boar 4 bags 4. HR 15,2 GS Boons: Sharandar – 5/5, Icewind – 5/5, Dread Ring – 5/5, TOD – 2/5. Grand Warden set Weapons: Fallen Dragon (lvl 20 weaponsmiting) Enchantments: Lesser Plaguefire, Lesser Soulforged, darks and radiants r5 Artefacts: Sigil of Great Weapon, Lantern of Revelation, Sigil Devoted (all Rare) Ioun stone of Allure Mounts: Heavy Giant Spider, Heavy Worg, Blue Ribbon Pig 4 bags Courtesan’s wear Twinks: 2 CW-s (lvl 34 and lvl 32), HR lvl 32, SW lvl 37 (Wedding Attire fashion and full Xvim set) About account again: Hero of the north pack, Ioun stone of Radiance (3 offence slots) for all characters on account, retraining token, 400 Greater stone of health, 5 scrolls of mass life, Heavy Worg, full Xvim Set, some companions for account on reward claims agent. Very old account (1 year +) so I love it and don’t gonna sell it for less than 250 $. Paypal only plz. About trade: you pay first or we use help of middleman from this site (preferred).J Contact me here or add me in skype: Ilyuhahawk (no voice only text plz – bad English speaking) Thanks for watching and sorry for bad English .