Sold Heredur. Very good dwarf 50 + strong bow 20 (mage and war are 50 but not so g)

Discussion in 'Drakensang Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hercules220, 3/14/17.

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  1. Hercules220

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    Contact me on mail [email protected] or skype Icemanss220
    Bow - 20 lvl, can kill Cardhun with 30-35lvl easy. Stones 11, 16 dmg, full dragan, 3kk glyphs. No pvp, but can be lvld on pvp up to highest lvl with those stats.

    Dwarf - 50lvl, opened full inventory and chest, stones 5x22dmg, 5x8.6 speed. A lot of essences, fragments, realms, drakens. Have all needed items to combine top items:

    torso: a lot of stats 9.3-10% increase dmg, 2 leg with 3x combined gold stats
    gloves: 4 purple items with 9.5+ stats each (now have gloves 36 speed already crafted)
    boots: 2 purple items with 9.5+ stats each, 1 leg with 9.5+ 3x
    amulet: 1 leg 3 x 9.3 increase HP, +2 leg 3x 8.8+ stats
    2hand weapon:
    1leg = 77.6%, 78% and 111dmg
    1leg = 78.7% 80% and 112 dmg
    belt: 4 purple with 370+ HP (2x in each)

    4 stones - jokers. Have some items for upcoming events (750 coins on winter event as example. its 1/2 to open winter chest.) Have new dragan and spider set, but dont use. Can pvp, but dont like it (even for no pvp player can kill 30-50 player per 1 flag).

    For now ease farm mode3 all q maps solo, need wars help only on bosses (except grim and heredur). Farm q3 map1 gives 1k andermats and 100-150 gold per hour.

    I want for this account best 500$ + guarant. Your offers plz in private or post here.
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