helping you find accounts within a budget. Helped lots. Trading knowledge!

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Other Accounts | COC Accounts Sale' started by /u/Distinct-Morning-531, 11/8/24.

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  1. /u/Distinct-Morning-531

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    Hello, im a friendly face in the sea of scammers. Alot of people will say they have vouches and this and that or even that they know someone good. Well im here to tell you ive helped over 10 people. (We all start somewhere haha.) Finds accounts from legit sellers for great prices. As someone who has purchased 18 accounts now, i would humbly consider myself an account finding master. Wether you choose to believe me or not idm. But I can and would love to help. Ive finished buying accounts for myself, and love searching for them, so i love to offer my services in finding them. Typically ill catch an early enough post and i dm people. Figured id risk a warning to post this tho. Guess we'll see how it goes. Haha would love to trade my knowledge for your benefit, no gain here except helping people out.

    # #/Distinct-Morning-531
    . .
    #1 /u/Distinct-Morning-531, 11/8/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/14/24
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