So i tried creating my very first # but it wont even work,im rly shy to share the code but ive no choice, not sure wat ive done wrong,the msgbox wont even show up anyway, code: Code: #include <Windows.h> BOOL WINAPI test(LPVOID){ //[11D0F9BC] DWORD WeaponMgr = 0xD0F9BC; //[EAX+13AC] DWORD Reload = 0x13AC; //[EDX+13B0] DWORD ChangeDelay = 0x13B0; DWORD CShell = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("CShell.dll"); DWORD pWeaponMgr = *(DWORD*)(CShell + WeaponMgr); bool reload = false; if(!reload){ if(pWeaponMgr){ for(int i=0; i<=750; i++){ if((*(DWORD*)((*(DWORD*)(CShell+WeaponMgr))+(4*i)) ) != NULL){ *(float*)((*(DWORD*)((*(DWORD*)(CShell+WeaponMgr)) +(4*i))) + Reload) = 100; } } } } bool changedelay = false; if(!changedelay){ if(pWeaponMgr){ for(int i=0; i<=750; i++){ if((*(DWORD*)((*(DWORD*)(CShell+WeaponMgr))+(4*i)) ) != NULL){ *(float*)((*(DWORD*)((*(DWORD*)(CShell+WeaponMgr)) +(4*i))) + ChangeDelay) = 100; } } } } return 0; } //dllmain{ DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hDll); MessageBoxA(0,"Testing"," ",0); Beep(523,500); CreateThread(0,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)test,0,0, 0); return true; }