Selling [Help] Script for galagiveaway?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    That site is for steam and desira giveaways but u need to have points to enter into #.

    U will get some points from time to time but they also giving some refills (10k point)and they appear randomly so i usually miss them..

    I found on pastebin one guy who made alrt script,so whenever refill apper ull get sound alert but he just posed code and i dont know to use it,so ill paste here and hope someone will know to tell me how to use it with that site


    ''' Script start Created on 18/02/2013 @author: josmerod ''' import time import random import winsound def send_sound_alert(): for i in range(100): winsound.PlaySound("SystemExclamation", winsound.SND_ALIAS) print 'REFILL ON' def get_page(page): try: import urllib return urllib.urlopen(page).read() except: return "" def refill_checker(): contents = get_page("Gala Giveaways") location = contents.find('Points: 0') if location != -1: send_sound_alert() def main(): while True: refill_checker() wait = 60 + random.randint(0,300) print "WAITING " + str(wait) time.sleep(60+random.randint(100,300)) main() ''' Script end '''

    ty for any help

    can someone help me and explain me how to use this to get allert in that site when refill appear?

    ..nvm looks like dont working even when i contacted guy who posted code on pastebin
    #1 Games, 7/29/15
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