Sold Help determining how much my account is worth.

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Vermillion-Heat, 7/7/22.

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  1. /u/Vermillion-Heat

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    Hi, so I've been playing heroes ever since January due to not having a physical copy of a Fire Emblem game on or a proper console. Although I've been playing for almost half a year I currently have 67 unique 5 stars among which a few legendary and mythic heroes. I still enjoy the game but the # is pretty confusing compared to vanilla FE which is moderately simple to understand for the most. Coupled with having a lot of strong characters that I don't know how to use I feel like my accounts would be better in the hands of someone who actually understands what's going on.

    So here are my units :

    I have caught up to all the story missions from BOOK I to V in all difficulty as well as the paralogues and a few chain challenge maps. I have always been a F2P player so this is why a lot of the maps have been cleared already.

    I'd like to know how much I can get from this so thanks in advance for your help.

    # #/Vermillion-Heat
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