Selling Hello , want to sell my LoL account. If there are...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Martin Angeloski, 8/2/13.

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  1. Martin Angeloski

    Martin Angeloski
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    Hello , want to sell my LoL account. If there are any interested people in this account for more info/pictures please msg me. EU West S2=Silver S3=Silver Division 1 700 Wins - Normal games 89 RP , 13 800 IP Skins: Ahri - Midnight Ahri Akali - Crimson/Blood Moon/Silverfang Alistar - Golden Amumu - Pharaoh Ashe - Amethyst Blitzcrank - iBlitz Caitlyn - Arctic Warfare Cassiopeia - Desperada/Myth Cho'Gath - Nightmare Corki - Red Baron Darius - Bioforge Diana - Dark Valkyrie Draven - Soul Reaver Elise - Death Blossom Evelynn - Tango Ezreal - Frosted Fiddlesticks - Spectral/Fiddle Me Timbers Gangplank - Spooky Gragas - Vandal Graves - Jailbreak Hecarim - Blood Knight Irelia - Nightblade/Frostblade Janna - Frost Queen Jarvan IV - Warring Kingdoms Jax - Temple/Nemesis Jayce - Full Metal Jayce Karma - Traditional Karthus - Grim Reaper Kassadin - Pre Void Kayle - Unmasked Kennen - Arctic Ops Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix Kog'Maw - Lion Dance/Jurassic Lee Sin - Dragon Fist/Muay Thai Lulu - Bittersweet Malphite - Glacial Master Yi - Assasin Miss Fortune - Mafia/Secret Agent Mordekaiser - Infernal Morgana - Blackthorn Nasus - Dreadknight Nautilus - Astronautilus Nidalee - Leopard Nocturne - Frozen Terror Nunu - Demolisher Olaf - Glacial Orianna - Gothic/Sewn Chaos Pantheon - Glaive Warrior Rammus - Freljord/Ninja/Full Metal Rengar - Headhunter Riven - Buttle Bunny Rumble - Rumble in the jungle Ryze - Tribal/Professor Sejuani - Traditional Shen - Frozen/Yellow Jacket/Blood Moon/Warlord Shyvana - Darkflame Singed - Augmented Skarner - Earthrune Sona - Arcade Swain - Northern Front Talon - Dragonblade Taric - Bloodstone Tristana - Riot Girl Trundle - Traditional Twisted Fate - Tango/Jack of Hearts Udyr - Primal Vayne - Dragonslayer Veigar - White Mage Vi - Neon strike Volibear - Northern Storm Warwick - Firefang Xin Zhao - Warring Kingdoms/Commando Zed - Shockblade Zyra - Wildfire Rune Pages: 20 Runes: Tier2: Marks: +0.46 Ability power x1 Seals: +0.46 Ability power x1 Quintessences: +3.9 Ability Power x1 Tier3: Marks: +1.3 Armor Pen. x9 +0.95 Physical Dmg x9 +1.7% Attack Speed x9 +0.87 Magic Pen. x9 +0.07 mr per lvl(+1.26 at champ lvl18) x1 Seals: +0.59 Ability power x9 +1.4 Armor x9 +0.43 Physical dmg x9 +0.41 Mana Regen/5 x5 Glyphs: +1.2 Ability Power x9 +0.28 Physical dmg x9 +1.3 Magic Resist x9 +0.17 ap per lvl (+3.06 at champ lvl18) x2 Quintessences: +5.0 Ability Power x3 +4.3 Armor x2 +2.3 Physical Dmg x3 +3.4% Attack Speed x1 +1.0 Gold per 10 x3 +2.7 Health Regen/5 x3 +2.0% Lifesteal Bonus x2 +1.5% Move Speed x3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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