Selling Hello there, -Rank- *almost colonel* -s/d- *1.650*...

Discussion in 'Alliance of Valiant Arms Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Domagoj Marinello, 12/27/14.

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  1. Domagoj Marinello

    Domagoj Marinello
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    Hello there, -Rank- *almost colonel* -s/d- *1.650* - money *40k euro* Permanent primary: 120 Permanent secobdary: 21 Permanent meele: 5 + perm granade skin ^blacksnake Mega capsule seasons included in : - Full // Corvus season, black snake,firebird season -3-4 weapons from G36 season For more information and picture provements add me on facebook: Domagoj Marinello or add me on steam: marinello34 Paypal is only option in € , or steam items [TF/CS Keys and stuff ]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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