Hello, my name is roger and i decide sell my ACC in GW 2. Let's look on the more specific things like... ACC: Ring of Fire Digital Deluxe = I am bought upgrade for 2 000Gems (Earn special skill Mistfire Wolf) 9 Character slots 9770 Achiev. points Private guild bank = 150 free slots = Calls One man in action Private bank with 9 Tabs Karma: 350k cca 170 Golds in bag 95x 250 Destroyer core = 23 750 : and one is for 3,23 silver right now Special tools: Molten Aliance mining pick Consirtium Harvesting Sickle Chop-it-all logging axe Copper-Fed Salvage -O- Matic Characters: Mr Gabrielus – 80lvl Warrior with Comander Tag, Full Asc. Gear and Jewelery + Hammer Exotic: warhorn + sword WvW 549 Rank Special skins: Decorative molten Jetpack (2 000G price) Rút - 80lvl Thief with Comander Tag, Gear is Exotic with Full Asc. Jewelry, Special skins: Pink Quaggan BackPack, Sights Be True 100% map completion Video from my game: