Sold Hello, it's me

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/KookyKracks, 4/14/17.

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  1. /u/KookyKracks

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    So I've got some things that I can let go of:

    Roaring Skies JUN2015 Dragonite | Adamant | ENG | ajkyle56 -> Demoyon -> me (vid proof) $8

    FAL2010 Mew | Calm | ENG | RobTheBuilderMA (proofless) $15

    WIN2011 Dog Trio | Static PIDs | ENG | Koicanrana -> me (proofless) $30 for the set

    Draco Meteor SMR2010 Jirachi | Adamant | ENG | pokeflan -> me (WC proof) $20

    3rd Distro VGC Pachirisu | Locked stats | ENG | smmac135 -> me (WC proof) $14

    2 x Saori's Machamp | Locked nature | JPN/ENG | KohakuOuO -> me (pic proof, wifi-spoofed) $8 each

    I also have some other Gen 6 events, Gen 7 RNGs & comp shinies over here.

    Gen 7 RNGs: $5-10 each (Shiny 5IV Type: Null is $25)

    Gen 7 comp shinies: $2-3 each depending on HP spread, gender etc.

    Note: RNGs were done with the help of a plugin

    And this guy:

    UK SuMo Launch Party Mew | Self-obtained | Still in Gen 1

    Fielding any and all offers for this.

    LF B'day eeveelutions!

    My Reference

    # #/KookyKracks
    # .
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