Hello I'm Selling my Plat 2 NA account, never been banned (played league for 2 years, time to move on) Price is #, im open to offers Add me on skype for any questions: Marat0195 S2 silver, S3 plat, currently plat 2 12 rune pages Runes: Marks: Armor x9 Armor Pen x9 Physical Damage x9 Attack speed x9 Crit Chance x9 Hybrid Pen x9 Magic Pen x9 Mana x1 Seals: Armor x9 Physical Damage x10 (o.o) Attack Speed x1 Mana Regen/5 x9 Ability power at lvl 18 x1 Health at lvl 18 x9 mana regen/5 at lvl 18 x9 Glyphs: Ability power x9 Physical Damage x9 Attack Speed x9 Cooldown x9 Magic resist x9 Mana regen/5 x4 Ability power at lvl 18 x9 Magic resist at lvl 18 x9 Quintessences: Ability power x3 Armor x3 Armor Pen x3 Physical Damage x3 Attack speed x3 Crit Chance x3 Gold per 10 x3 Health x1 Health Regen x3 Hybrid Pen x3 Lifesteal x3 Magic pen x3 Movement Speed x3 Champions/Skins: AAtrox Ahri Akali Alistar - unchained alistar Amumu - Sad Robot Amumu Annie Ashe Blitzcrank - Pitlover Customs Blitzcrank (old legendary) Brand - Apocalyptic Brand Caitlyn Cho'Gath - Nightmare Cho'gath (Legacy), Battle cast prime Cho'gath (legendary) Darius Diana Dr. Mundo - Mr.Mundoverse (Legacy) Draven Elise - Victorious Elise Evelynn Ezreal - Frosted Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora - Nightraven Fiora Fizz- Fisherman Fizz Gangplank Garen Gragas - Scuba Gragas (legacy) Graves Hecarim - Headless Hecarim (legacy) Heimerdinger Irelia - FrostBlade irelia Janna Jarvan - Commando Jarvan, Warring Kingdoms Jarvan Jax - Jaximus, Mighty Jax (legacy), Angler Jax (legacy) Jayce - Debonair Jayce Jinx Karthus Kassadin Kayle Kennen Kha'zix LeBlanc Lee sin - Dragon Fist Lee Sin Leona Lucian Lulu Lux Malphite - Marble Malphite Malzahar Maokai - Totemic Maokai, Festive Maokai (legacy) Master Yi - Samurai Yi Nami Nasus - Dreadknight Nasus Nautilus - Astronautilus Nidalee Nocturne - Void nocturne, Haunting Nocturne (legacy), Eternum Nocturne (legendary) Nunu Olaf Pantheon Poppy Rammus Renekton Rengar Riven Rumble Ryze Sejuani Shaco Shen - Blood Moon Shen Shyvana - Darkflame Shyvana Singed - Augmented Singed, Snow day Singed (legacy) Sion - Hextech Sion (legacy) Skarner - Earthrune Skarner Talon Taric Teemo - Cottontail Teemo Thresh - Deep Terror Thresh Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Vayne Veigar Vi - Officer Vi Vladimir Volibear - Runeguard Volibear Warwick Wukong Xin Zhao Yasuo Zac Zed - Shockblade Zed Zilean Summoner icons: http://i61.tinypic.com/9rjbxg.jpg
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