Sold Hello! I'm looking to buy a friend banned/soft banned Fire Emblem Heroes Account

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ProtectKokichiOma, 7/4/20.

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  1. /u/ProtectKokichiOma

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    Hello! Thanks to a certain Reddit user, I'm now interested in getting a friend banned/soft banned Fire Emblem Heroes account. Preferably, I want an account with most of and/or all of the FEH heroes (+10) (including maybe all the Resplendent Heroes), Seals, Combat Manuals, Blessings, and Dragonflowers. Please private message me if you have this and we could work something out!

    # #/ProtectKokichiOma
    # .
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