Selling Hello, i would like to sell my Hearthstone...

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lorne Malvo, 6/5/17.

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  1. Lorne Malvo

    Lorne Malvo
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    Hello, i would like to sell my Hearthstone Account on Europe Server, it has over 12k Dust and over 80 top Legendarys ! Also it has a WOW Account with 5 Level 100 Chars, over 13K ACM Points, Warlord of Draenor, Legendarys, like Rogue Daggers, Illidan Blades, Legendary Bow, rare Mounts, like Al'aars Ash, Repair Mammoth, Chopper, Sandstone Drake, Baron Horse, Twilight Drake, Anzu and others. and some Old chars from Cataclysm, about 5-7 level 80-90 all with different Professions. List of Legendarys: Fendral Staghelm Aviana Cenarius Deadscale Ghaz'Rilla Antonidas Rhonin Ragnaros Tirion Vol'Jin Confessor Paletress Edwin van cleef Xaril Anub'Arak Hallazeal Neptulon Al Akir Cho gall Jaraxxus Mal Ganis Malkorok Grommash Varian Wrynn Finley Mrrrgglton Bloodmage Thalnos Brann Brnzebeard Moroes Barnes Elise Starseeker Gormok the Impaler Harrison Jones Leeroy Jenkins Nexus Champion Saraad Prince Melchazaar Cairne Bloodhoof Emperor Thaurissan Justicar Truehart Reno Jackson Sylvanas Windrunner The Black Knight Baron Geddon Chillmaw Reno Blackhand The Curator Twin Emperor Vek'lor Chromaggus Medivh the Guradian Ragnaros the Firelord Alesstrasza Arch Thief Rafaam Malygos Nefarian Ysera Cthun Deathwing Deathwin, Dragonlord Nzoth the Corruptor Yogg'Saron, Hope's end Y shaarj, Rage Unbound also 13k dust to craft some more, tons of Epics rares and ofc Commons, 3 Golden Heros, 4 level 60 classes and more 249€ or send me a message ! Payment only via PAYPAL - Europe Account !
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