Hello i have to sell Blisfful Valley character 36 lvl - 20 position in ranking WHITE LOTUS EU SERVER!!!. With full upgraded equipment (4 bons usually str/internal breathing silver) and silver class weapons character includes: lvled sets ov BV school to 4-5 lvl (almost all skills), shaolin Boxing style rage lvl4 + parry break + stun + charge + rage of weituo tangclan - golden snake rage - Swallow the whale lvl4 Emei dagger - heal buff + breaking meridians sunset sword skills (each worth 1D + ) also 500x school certificate scholar inner lvled to 25 lvl (open next meridian) herbalist profesion lvl 4 miner lvl 6 and others on 4th lvl 614k reputation VIP to 15/09/2013 !!! CS horse 30 days + CS horse for 14 days!!!!! i want to sell it for 30$ PM WITH OFFERS AND DETAILS!!!!