Selling Hello I am selling a level 30 account that is...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    Hello I am selling a level 30 account that is DIAMOND 1 50lp EXACTLEY. It comes with a ranked 5v5 challenger team(captained by a friend but has agreed to keep you on) and a platinum 1 5v5 team(your team captain of it). This account has all 4 S2 gold icons and 1 S2 platinum icon. ( last season I was platinum in solo q but my 5v5 and 3v3 team's were gold .) The account has 20 runepages and almost all the runes.And all the runes that fit in the current meta. (All runes have 9 .) It has 5K RP available to use if you want to have a name change or buy spirit guard UDYR. And 3821 IP if you want to purchase any of the missing runes. The account has almost all the champions with 14 unowned . All friends on the account will be deleted as soon as it is sold. (ONLY PUTTING IN HIGH VALUE SKINS TO SAVE TIME) Skins include : DEMON BLADE TRYNDAMERE Blood Lord VLADIMIR Astronaut teemo and has about 40+ more skins. Reason why I am selling : I need the money to buy myself a Car and I can use the money as I am a university student. Sorry that i have to take off most of the picture had about 2000 KB .I barely got it cut off (PA only accepts 1024) I will take offers for serious buyers if the price is to high.
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