Selling Hello, I am selling 6 accounts for $350 obo. I...

Discussion in 'Atlantica Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Khalid Hadeed Al Assad, 12/7/14.

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  1. Khalid Hadeed Al Assad

    Khalid Hadeed Al Assad
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    Hello, I am selling 6 accounts for $350 obo. I have 2 164 level Spear main accts.. 2 lvl 145 spear mains. 1 lvl 120 spear mains for sale. All have plenty of rebirth tokens. And collectively have in gear, decos, and mounts roughly 500 billion worth of equipment. My new job and school does not allow me to play much anymore. This price is a steal for 6 accounts. I usually make 80 Billion a month with all 4 higher level accounts running hard raids with ease
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  3. OP
    Khalid Hadeed Al Assad

    Khalid Hadeed Al Assad
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    All 4 accounts $80
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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