Selling Hello Guys! I'd like to sell my MV-ACC. Because I...

Discussion in 'Microvolts Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aron Dordic, 8/14/15.

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  1. Aron Dordic

    Aron Dordic
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    Hello Guys! I'd like to sell my MV-ACC. Because I haven't played it since 1 year and I play other games now. :D My account is lvl 25. I got donated very much RT, thanks to these RT I could get ALL GOD WEAPONS, 17 Capsule weps on high lvl. I also have got many skin parts for the chars, eg Armor of Hope for Kai. If you are interested: message me and you can see some screenshots and we can discuss about the price! Bye :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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