Selling hello guys! i want to sell: Level 65 gunslinger...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lung Daniel, 6/28/14.

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  1. Lung Daniel

    Lung Daniel
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    hello guys! i want to sell: Level 65 gunslinger with: Souls sabrinas wing set,level 60 master parts+5 perfect sets ,+11 weapons with 2% att opower on each weapon,and on other items has 2% attack power+ 2%move speed.costumes. on same account level 67 assasin with: Perfect+master itemss,perfect weapons+12 and on both weapons,2% attack power,and on each part of armor pants: attack popwer 2% permanent,shoes 2% move spped,shoulders 2% attack sppeed gloves 2% attack spped,souls sabrinas wing soul set full,manny costumess : Karas windy,red dainlard,white walachian,royal guard orienatl hunter set too. Assasin has bless of badhbhCath auspiece. ON SAME ACCOUNT: level 63 taoist with sabrina wingg soul set+gears,levle58 reaperess+gers,level58 ranger+gears and souls. Account has full information+email and second password and all. Starting bid: 150E for more informations//way to trades add me on facebook/skype : mennen.blade NOTE: No scamers! do NOT waste ur time tring to scamm. THANK YOU.:) SCREENSHOTS ARE GIVEN AFTER CONTACT.
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