Sold HEIST - Lvl 86 Blade Vortex Chieftain - Full Geared - Extra Stashes - Extra currency and items

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SpinkS, 10/30/20.

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  1. SpinkS

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    My Location:
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    We can either trade directly or use middle man!

    League: Heist SC
    Level: 86
    Build: Blade Vortex Chieftain - One of the fastest builds in the meta, great for currency farming! All content can be done with this build!
    Defenses: All resistances are maxed out even overcapped, HP pool is 6k. The insane HP pool and HP leech makes this character really hard to be killed.
    Offences: This build has one of the highest clear speeds in the game. On shots anything and melts bosses in seconds. Maps are cleared really fast (usually in less than 2 mins)
    Labs: 3/4
    Gear: The characgter comes full geared with a potential of gear upgrade for end game maps
    Stashes: The account comes with extra stash tabs for currency, maps and premium stash tab for selling items
    Items: there are many currency, items and maps in the stashes in order to sustain and support the further progress
    I can provide the build that I followed for this character if requested.
    If you have any kind of question, please message me and I will shortly answer.
    Please take a look at the following screen shots:
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