Hello i would like to sel/trade my accounts on btnet/steam HS: 7 decks from ungoro 4 Altenative heroes Eu server All adventures unlocked 17+Legendaries Screen/More info Pw Wow: Without Legion 50lvl + Mage 80lvl + Dead Knight I dont remember server name :/ Pw Hello I would like to trade/sell my steam account there is 24 games, but i some of them are rely usless. Steam. there is around 25 games but more of them are bad, but there is 10+ realy great games with cost is around 70 euro! Games: Chivalry Medieval Warfare+DLC Contaginion CS-GO Dead by Daylight The Forest Gloria Victis H1Z1:Kotk How to survive 2 Minion Master Miscreated Rocket League (2 DLC) and more.. I want KEY to Overwatch or 40 euro on g2a.com