Selling  North America  Legends 100+ Hearthstone Whale Account 630 Legendaries | 190 Hero Skins | 10/11 Full Grinded Heroes | +BG Cosmeti

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by palansky, 7/30/23.

  1. palansky

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    Attention: theres another dude called Poli Kuy that its trying to sell this account, its a scammer. Im am the real owner

    90% collection

    630 Legendary Cards
    118 Golden (it has a deck made of 40 golden legendaries)

    1121 Epic Cards

    1431 Golden cards

    15 Diamond cards

    8 Signatures

    10/11 1000 Wins hero portraits
    190 Hero skins

    185 Cardbacks

    18 Coins

    3000 Arcane dust

    9000 Gold

    All solo adventures

    Several Battlegrounds Cosmetics and Mercenaries

    Entire collection on Discord: poland097

    Hearthstone Screenshot 07-30-23 07.25.56.png Hearthstone Screenshot 07-30-23 07.26.31.png Hearthstone Screenshot 07-30-23 07.26.50.png Hearthstone Screenshot 07-30-23 07.26.53.png Hearthstone Screenshot 07-30-23 07.27.20.png Hearthstone Screenshot 07-30-23 07.26.56.png
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.