Hearthstone : 35+ Legendaries. you can build %90 of all # decks. 6 golden hero : warrior, mage, hunter, warlock, priest, druid Images : http://imgur.com/a/I4eGv Starcraft 2: Account has Legacy of the Void! Wow : 100lvl rogue- 62 lvl mage with draenor patch. Hots: Has 6-7 heroes. I played last time 6 months ago. so you know just this game played and purschased heroes. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1485273869/jipw89k3rewwhmrxvpts.jpg sell for 50$. BattleTag change is active Contact-- phone : +90545 7745457 (whatsapp) skype : oguztprk