Delivery time: It depends on the state of current #, RNG (luck involved) and whether it is a beginning or ending of the season. But most of the time it takes approximately 1-3 days for all ranks excepty Legend Rank that takes approximately 3-7 days. After purchase, you need to tell me the name and password of your account (maybe need a confirmation code, which will come to your email as the entrance to your account will be from another country. Also, I need to know the server (Europe or Asia or the United States). When you will start? The boost will start right away or in few hours after purchasing. If there are some boosts that need to be finished before yours one you will be told estimated time of the beginning of your boost. Prices: rank 25 - 15 1€ for each rank rank 15 - 10 2€ for each rank rank 10 - 5 3€ for each rank rank 5 - 1 5€ for each rank Contact me on skype: hslegendboost_1