Selling  Europe  Legends 100+ Hearthstone acc EU from 2015

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fuismo, 9/3/20.

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  1. fuismo

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    My Location:
    Mage lvl 60 wins 1000=golden+new skinn
    Shaman (+Morgl)lvl 60 wins 840= golden
    Druid (+lunara) lvl 60 wins 900=golden just need 100 for new skinn
    Paladin (+arthas) lvl 60 wins 736=golden
    Warlock lvl 60 wins 968=golden just need 32 to new skinn
    Hunter lvl 60 wins 810=golden
    Warrior lvl 60 wins 1002=golden and new skinn
    Rouge (+Maiev) lvl 60 wins 876=golden
    Priest (+Tyrande) lvl 60 wins 933= golden and just need 67 wins for the new skinn
    Dh lvl 40 wins 167

    cardbacks 82 included Legend and most of the adventures not to forget all backs from 2015

    Total wins: 8830 (Leggendary in both modes)
    Arena wins: 4585 (included 12 wins key)

    To open
    1 klassik pack
    6 Scholomance acafemy

    adventures completed:
    naxxramas + heroic
    Blackrock Mountain + heroic
    Legue of explorers + heroic
    Boomsday Project
    Dalaran Heist
    Galakrounds Awakening
    Ashes of outland

    345 gold
    1040 dust

    1 gold
    +249 leggendarys

    2 gold
    +467 epic

    7k with 108 1st and 347 top 4
    perks NOT unlocked
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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