Sold Heal/Milli 9ks Gs + 3 other chars [Android]...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Siraj Semmo, 1/14/18.

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  1. Siraj Semmo

    Siraj Semmo
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    Heal/Milli 9ks Gs + 3 other chars [Android] p.60 - Gladbeck Wts my milli 10k gs / heal 8,8k gs with both legend gems Milli 2/6 T6 Epic 2/6 T5 Epic 2/6 T4 Epic Heal 4/6 T4 Epic 2/2 T4.5 Epic Fk with legend weapon + fk mount Ranger with Scanner 2 weapons and 4/6 T4 Many mounts pets and stuff on every character With Email. I am a fair trader !! Account is for Android
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  2. OP
    Siraj Semmo

    Siraj Semmo
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    - Royale 8 - both Emblematch gem - Solo dng mount left to get trophy mount kraken - 7x LvL 3 Gems for Heal (195 gs) - and many more stuff FOR LOW PRICE !! 100% LEGIT AND FAIR !
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    Dylan André

    Dylan André
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    It's u skull ? XD
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    Catha Kevin

    Catha Kevin
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    Catha Kevin

    Catha Kevin
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    I trade th11 coc acc to an oac acc
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    Dylan André

    Dylan André
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    Pm me bro Siraj Semmo
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  7. OP
    Siraj Semmo

    Siraj Semmo
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  8. OP
    Siraj Semmo

    Siraj Semmo
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    Push 2500 souls on fk
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